Friday 22 October 2010

Short film idea

I have researched into short films and have watched and analysed four different films. I have put some thought into a possible idea for my A2 project and have come up with a few ideas for the film areas of subject, intention, settings, and special effects. . My idea for a film is based around the subject of alcohol and more closely the intention of portraying a message concerning responsibility with drink driving. The main idea i had was to show two possible outcomes of making a decision in this idea the decision being whether to drive home after having an amount of alcohol over the national driving limit. The two outcomes being having a great time at a party after making the decision to get a taxi home with the special effect of a rewind showing the decision in a second way of getting in the car crashing resulting in the death of a friend and attending the funeral. The probable certification for this type of film would be 15 and distribution in schools, universities, the internet, and television commercials to promote anti drink driving campaign to target an audience of drivers and those able to drink legally.  

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