Thursday 10 February 2011

my shot script

This week we have been all working on the shot scripts for the section of film that we each have taken responsibility of. Mine begins with a long shot  through a car windscreen showing the man inside his panic is then shown through a series of close ups of his frantic movements putting on his seat belt and starting the car. A mid shot then shows him raising his head to look at the mirror and reaction shots shows him turning around and the clown standing at the back of the car. Then he is shown to drive away quickly with a long shot moving towards an extreme long shot. The man than appears in mid shots of several angles walking towards and through his house until he reaches the kitchen sink were an over the shoulder shot reveals his actions of having a drink and his reaction of fright to the clown laugh. A series of close ups of locking doors and windows leads to movement upstairs shown in a long shot and a point of view shot. More mid shots shows the locking of the bathroom window the man splashing his face and his reaction to the clown appearing in the mirror shown by a close up. The man leaves the bathroom in a mid shot and a pan until he reaches his bedroom where he is seen in a long shot to slam and stand up against the door in a panicked state. An ellipse occurs to show that time has passed and mid shots of the man rolling in bed finishes with a mid shot of the clown standing in the doorway.

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