Wednesday 8 September 2010


I am about to embark on the journey through A2 of media studies. This year I have been asked to research and produce a short film in its entirety, lasting approximately five minutes. It may be composed of live action, animation or a combination of both, together with two of the following three options.

- A radio trailer

- A film magazine review page

- A film poster

I now look back at my experience of the AS project and find myself pleased with the B grade I received. I along with my group produced the opening two minutes of film including titles, I remember the daunting feeling I had before work started on the filming but also the high level of enjoyment I had accompanied by my group throughout all the stages of production. Two of the students that I worked with have a musical background and so led us in to the production of a musical horror for our project; we carried out research into the genre and planed how we wanted ours to unfold. Within our group we all had different roles mine was the story boarder, however when it came down to the filming we combined all our efforts each using the camera and having an input into all the areas of filming from camera shots and angles to how the actors acted. From this experience I will take all that I have learnt about use of camera and film language and apply it to this year’s project but hope to pay closer attention to the specific film language mise en scene and plan in depth as I have learnt from the AS project that a high level of planning is needed to ensure smooth proceedings whilst filming. Overall I am looking forward to this project and to working closely with my friends again.

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