Sunday 26 September 2010


Last year for AS media studies I was responsible for the storyboard I had an enjoyable experience and discovered the importance of having a well thought out story board ready to refer to when filming. This year however for A2 I feel the need to push myself further in order to expand my knowledge and experience of filming, so I have taken on the role of director.

I aim to be a successful director and so am going to make sure of this by carrying out research in to the role. My older sister has experience of being a director in A level media studies and so will be able to share with me her experiences and give me advice on how to go about my role. I will also make use of all options available to me and so will visit my school library and use both media based books and the internet.
I have already found the useful website which has opened my eyes to how important clear communication is and how providing inspiration is a key feature in my job. The site also makes me see that collaboration with all those involved will provide the main pathway for a successful project. I have taken all this onboard and find myself confident that i can undertake the directors role and have both success and enjoyment from the A2 project. 

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