Wednesday 6 April 2011

Editing special effects

Our short film consists of four sections of film that each member of the group where individually responsible for. The narrative runs across four days with Karlene’s part being the first and second day’s events Chloe’s the third and Adele’s and mine the final day. Due to the fact my section and Adele’s constitutes the fourth days actions we added our scenes together to ensure that they accompany each other in a way that appeared natural in the way the actions followed each other.
Adele’s scene consists largely of the clown’s frantic movements, the footage of which we decided to add special effects. The editing programme that we used made many options of special effects available to us. We had the opportunity to change light levels, colour concept, and many methods of distortion. We changed the colour perception known as hue and colour saturation, of the images creating a variety of actions which appeared different and gave an uneasy sense. Slowing down and distorting the footage created a sense of manic behaviour and ominous appearance.

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