Thursday 7 April 2011

Editing titles

We have filmed a sequence of the clown with spot light and camera movement around the face. This footage was edited together creating a sequence of various clown movements and angled shots which we positioned at the beginning of our film before all sequences. We had discussed what should be included in starting titles and began adding them to the images. We added the production company PACK followed by an associated company of WSC media and distributer JFE. We included the actors that appeared in our film and each member of our group with job titles that was randomly chosen as each of us played the roles of director, producer, editor and sound incorporator for our individual sections of film that we chose to take control over. The final part had a play on words to reveal our film title. First the word fate appears but is gradually replaced by the word fatality signifying the parts of narrative concerning not being able to escape your fate.

The credits that we added to the end of our film was placed on to a black background and consisted of the film title, the location of filming and a special thanks to the forum amusements and prop designer Barry Hyde. The credits concluded with a website, contact details and a copyright trademark with date. This was done as in theory our short film is an advertisement to the film industry showcasing talent.

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