Monday 11 April 2011

poster analysis BRAVEHEART

For our media project we have produced a short film but we also have to produce a movie poster so I have chosen five different film posters to analyse so that I know what to include when designing my own.

The film poster for “Braveheart” is based around iconography with the main actor appearing as the central image and his name included in large font at the head of the poster to attract an audience as Mel Gibson is a well known actor. All text including the title is white and spatial providing symbolism for the films narrative of freedom as shows purity and peace. The actual film title is shown with priority for connection with the book and the tag line “every man dies not every man really lives” with background images of romantic embrace and battle conveys parts of the narrative concerning love, violence, and death. The included billing block although is small in comparison with the other text makes apparent that Mel Gibson is the director as well as the main actor. This poster is designed to advertise cinema release and shows clearly with bold increased font in the billing block a date.

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